The robot must travel through the maze from start to finish in the shortest possible time.
2.1. Each team has 5 attempts to participate in this competition. With one approach, you can perform up to 2 attempts.
2.2. For the passage of the labyrinth robot is given 5 minutes.
2.3. A robot can search for a way out of the maze by orienting along the walls or following the line.
2.4. The robot must not overcome the maze through the top of the wall
2.5. If during the race the robot starts to move uncontrollably or cannot
continue for 20 seconds, then he is disqualified.
2.6. The countdown starts when any part of the robot crosses the start zone (starts moving along the track). The countdown ends when the robot stops at the finish area, while all wheels and other supports of the robot must also be in the finish area.
2.7. During the attempt, team members should not touch the robots or interfere with the operation of the robot using wireless devices. When not following the rules, enters into force 8.p., Appendix 1 of tournament regulations .
2.8. The winner will be the team that spent the shortest time to overcome the distance.
The labyrinth is composed of sections with a base size of 30x30 cm. A black line (15 mm width) is applied to the base of the sections of the labyrinth, which forms interconnected intersections and branches with an angle of 900
Example of the maze
4.1. Maximum dimensions of the robot 25x25x25 cm, mass up to 1 kg
4.2. Restriction on structural elements
4.3. The robot must be autonomous.
4.4. Participants have the right to operative constructive change of the robot between attempts (including repair, replacement of batteries, program selection, etc.) if the changes made do not contradict the requirements for the design of the robot and do not violate the competition regulations. If the rules are not followed, 7.p. Appendix 1, tournament regulations.
Before the competition, registration and technical verification of the robot takes place. During the competition, the participant in the "live" queue goes to the maze and after the judge's signal, setting the robot in the start zone (the robot must be completely in the zone), starts the robot. At the end of the attempt the judge fixes the result.