TSI Robotic tournament



1. Aim and objectives of the tournament 

1. To promote increased interest in robotics and engineering professions.
2. To improve general and special technical knowledge and skills in the main disciplines of robotics - in mechanics, electronics and programming.
3. To promote cooperation between educational institutions and robotics clubs to popularize robotics among children and young people as interesting and practically useful lessons.

2. Organizers
Transport and telecommunication institute in cooperation with Academy of Young EngineersRobotu skola and Starptautisko inovāciju skolu

3. Place and time
Institute of Transport and Communications, st. Lomonosova 1/4, Riga, December 16.
Arrival from 9:00, opening at 10:00.

4. Disciplines
The disciplines of the competition are divided into two groups - LEGO robots and free construction robots. In some disciplines, participants are divided into age and professional groups. A competitor may register only one robot in each Lego discipline.

Disciplines in the group of LEGO robots (Mindstorms NXT2.0, EV3, Invertor or Spike only). : 
1) LEGO Sumo;
2) LEGO Folkrace;
3) LEGO Linefollower;
4) LEGO Maze.

Disciplines in the group of free construction robots:
1) Mini Sumo;
2) iRobot Sumo;
3) Folkrace;
4) Linefollower;
5) Maze;


5. Participants
Both individual participants and participants of robotics clubs can take part in competitions. Participate in the discipline of LEGO robots can only pupils 1 - 12 classes. During the competition, participants can be photographed, videos and photos can be made public.

6. Contact person
Contact person on organization of the competitions Igor Laksa,
e-mail address: ljaksa.i@tsi.lv

7. Main Referee
Head referee of the tournament Ģirts Čamanis. The main judge oversees the work of all the judges of the tournament, who are chosen and determined together with the organizer.

8. Judging

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make any changes to the rules of the competition, if these changes do not give advantages to one of the teams. Monitoring and summarizing is carried out by the panel of judges in accordance with the rules in Appendix 1. The judges have all the powers throughout the competition; all participants must obey referees decisions. The referee may use additional rounds to clarify controversial situations. If there are any objections to refereeing, the team has the right to verbally appeal the decision of the judges to the Organizing Committee no later than the end of the current discipline. A replay of the round can be carried out by decision of the head judge if there was an outside intervention in the work of the robot, or when the malfunction arose due to the poor state of the playing field, or due to an error made by the referees. Team members and the manager should not interfere in the actions of the robot of their team or the opponent's robot, either physically or at a distance. Intervention leads to immediate disqualification.

9. Registration
You can register for participation electronically at the link:/robotic/registration until 2023 December 12, 23:59.

10. Finansing
The competition is sponsored by the organizers and sponsors of the tournament. The arrival of competitors is organized and funded by the participants themselves or by the organization under whose guidance the participants gather for the tournament.


Appendix 1.


1. An attempt (or a round) is when a robot fulfils a task in the field after the judge has signalled for an attempt (round) to start and until the end of the maximum time allocated for an attempt, complete fulfilment of the task or until the judge's decision;

2. Competitions are an aggregate of all attempts.

3. A round consists of two or more battles and the time given to get ready and set the robot.

4. Ranking of results:

5. It is permitted not to dismantle robots before the competition.

6. Between rounds, the participants have the right to quickly make changes to the design of the robot (including to repair, change batteries, select a programme, etc.) to the extent provided for by the competition rules.

7. If judges have any suspicion that a rule of a discipline has been violated, a re-examination may be performed. In the event of a violation, a warning will be given to the participant, and he or she will be deemed to have lost the given round. In the event of a repeated violation, the robot will be disqualified from the competition.

8. If judges suspect fraud, for instance, a robot is remotely adjusted or controlled during a race, they are entitled to check the participant's robot. Refusal to check the robot or detection of fraud provides for disqualification.

9. During the attempt, only judges and the operator whose robot participates in this attempt may approach the competition area; other team members must watch from the audience.
10. Before making an attempt, the robot must be switched off and placed in the starting area. Afterwards, the judge gives the signal to switch on the robot and select (but not run) the programme. To run the programme, please wait for the judges’ signal.

11. In the event where running a programme does not immediately set the robot in motion, a team is allowed to run the programme before the judge’s signal to start but no further human inputs are allowed after that. The only exception to this rule is when sensors are used to set robots in motion, but even so teams are limited to just one interaction only. Judges must witness all of this, and upon their satisfaction, the signal to start may be given.

12. During an attempt, the operator may restart the robot at his/her own discretion. To do so, the judge must be informed about the restarting of the robot not later than 10 seconds after the attempt has been started.

13. Design prohibitions: